Good Party

“After extensive research into candidates participating in non-partisan local elections across the country, Good Party is proud to extend our endorsement and full support to Brittany Kosin for her campaign as Warwick Township Supervisor.”

Libertarian Party Classical Liberal Caucus

“The Classical Liberal Caucus is proud to endorse Brittany Kosin for Supervisor of Warwick Township, Pennsylvania!”


Pennsylvania forward party

It’s our great privilege to tell you that the Pennsylvania Forward Party has decided to endorse Brittany Kosin for Warwick Township Supervisor. With close ties to the Warwick Firefighting community, Brittany has been a registered nurse since 2015. She’s a wife and mother of 3 who demonstrates dedication to her community.

She’s found a home in 3rd party politics as a candidate from the Libertarian party and also has built strong relationships inside the Forward Party.

“As a Libertarian candidate for township supervisor, I reject the limitations of party politics and prioritize serving the people of Warwick above all else.” – Brittany Kosin

These are just the kind of races in which PA Forward wants to get involved. A clearly impressive candidate is trying to represent the shared values of their region and they’re stuck in a political system that isn’t benefiting anyone. 

Please check out her campaign. Donate money or time if you can. If you’re someone who donates or volunteers for presidential campaigns, I promise your money and time will have more of an impact here. 

Liberty Speaks

Brittany’s unwavering commitment spans across multiple areas, encompassing her support for minimal government interference, protection of private property rights, promotion of medical freedom, and her fervent advocacy for groundbreaking mental health reforms. Her dedication has earned her the prestigious endorsement of Liberty Speaks as a candidate.

Mike ter Maat

Mike campaigned in 2021-22 as the Libertarian Party candidate in the January special Congressional election in Florida’s District 20. He served as a police officer in Broward County from 2010 through 2021 as a registered libertarian.

Mike’s prior career in finance and economics included work with banks as a commercial loan officer, the White House Office of Management and Budget as a financial economist, and as a consulting economist to three other federal and international agencies in the field of economic development.

From 1992 through 2002, Mike was an advocate in Washington for free markets in the financial services industry. In 2002, he started a professional education business for bank executives which he successfully ran until 2009, including conferences, webcasting, and strategic consulting.

Mike has traveled through thirty-five countries, taught economics at three universities and substituted at dozens of Broward public schools. He has one wife, two kids and two stepdaughters, two dogs and one truck, a BS in Aeronautical Engineering and an MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and MS and PhD degrees in Economics from The George Washington University.

Chase Oliver

Chase Oliver is a 37-year-old Libertarian activist living in Atlanta. Dubbed “…the most influential Libertarian in America…” by Rolling Stone, Oliver is a champion of the rights of the individual against the growing power of the state. He began his political activism opposing the War in Iraq under George Bush, aligning with the Libertarian Party after an encounter at the Atlanta Pride Festival in 2010.

In 2020 he ran for Congress in Georgia’s 5th district to complete the term of the late civil rights icon John Lewis. In 2022, he ran for US Senate, debating incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker’s empty podium. Oliver was widely credited with causing the runoff election between Warnock and Walker. He advocates the adoption of Ranked Choice Voting to avoid future runoffs.

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