Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance Records by Year

Before 2024, when I began recording meetings through my campaign, there was no formal record of whether a township supervisor attended remotely or in person, except during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s crucial for supervisors to attend meetings in person because, while the township accommodates remote attendance for supervisors, it does not livestream meetings to the township website for residents. Additionally, many plans require thorough review, which is often easier to do in person or on the projector screen in the meeting room. How can a supervisor effectively vote on an issue without fully understanding all the facts?

Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance 2025

In Memoriam: Judith A. Algeo

We mourn the passing of Judith A. Algeo, a trailblazer, dedicated public servant, and cherished member of our community. Judith was a respected Bucks County family law attorney and Chairperson of the Warwick Township Board of Supervisors. She represented individuals in family law with compassion and professionalism, while also advocating for neglected and abused children as a Guardian Ad Litem.

Judith was a graduate of Temple University Beasley School of Law and served as past President of the Bucks County Bar Association and the Bucks County Association of Township Officials. She was deeply committed to public service, supporting Legal Aid of Southeastern PA and championing equal access to justice.

She was also a pioneer as one of the first female members of the Warwick Township Volunteer Fire Company, breaking barriers and exemplifying community spirit.

Judith will be remembered for her kindness, dedication to family, leadership, and unwavering commitment to service.

Meeting Date John Cox Judith Algeo Michael Riotto
January 6, 2025 present Vacant as of 01/01/2025 due to passing present
Meeting Date John Cox Robin Taber Michael Riotto

Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance 2024

Meeting Date John Cox Judith Algeo Michael Riotto
January 2, 2024 Present Present Present
January 15, 2024 Present Present Present
February 19, 2024 Present Present Present
March 18, 2024 Absent Present Present
April 24, 2024 Present Present Present
May 20, 2024 Present Present Present
June 17, 2024 Absent Virtual Present
July 15, 2024 Present Virtual Absent
August 19, 2024 Present Virtual Present
September 16, 2024 Present Virtual Present
October 21, 2024 Present Present Present
November 18, 2024 Present Present Virtual
December 2, 2024 Present Absent Present

Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance 2023

Meeting Date John Cox Judith Algeo Edward Thompson Jr
January 3, 2023 Present Present Absent
January 6, 2023 Absent Present Present
February 20, 2023 Present Present Present
March 20, 2023 Absent Present Present
April 17, 2023 Present Present Present
May 15, 2023 Present Present Present
June 19, 2023 Present Present Present
July 17, 2023 Present Present Present
August 21, 2023 Present Present Present
September 18, 2023 Absent Present Present
October 16, 2023 Present Absent Present
November 20, 2023 Present Absent Present
December 4, 2023 Present Present Present

Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance 2022

Meeting Date John Cox Judith Algeo Edward Thompson Jr
January 3, 2022 Present Present Absent
January 17, 2022 Present Present Present
February 21, 2022 Present Absent Present
March 21, 2022 Absent Present Present
April 19, 2022 Present Present Present
May 17, 2022 Present Present Present
June 20, 2022 Absent Present Present
July 18, 2022 Present Present Present
August 15, 2022 Present Present Present
September 19, 2022 Present Absent Present
October 17, 2022 Present Present Absent
November 21, 2022 Present Present Present
December 5, 2022 Present Present Present

Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance 2021

Meeting Date John Cox Judith Algeo Edward Thompson Jr
January 4, 2021 Virtual Virtual Virtual
January 18, 2021 Virtual Virtual Virtual
February 15, 2021 Virtual Virtual Virtual
March 15. 2021 Virtual Virtual Virtual
April 19, 2021 Virtual Virtual Virtual
May 17, 2021 Present Present Present
June 17, 2021 Present Present Present
July 19, 2021 Present Present Present
August 16, 2021 Present Present Present
August 19, 2021 Virtual Virtual Virtual
September 20, 2021 Absent Present Present
October 18, 2021 Present Present Present
November 15. 2021 Present Present Present
December 6 , 2021 Present Present Present

Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance 2020

Meeting Date John Cox Judith Algeo Edward Thompson Jr
January 6, 2020 Present Present Present
January 20, 2020 Present Present Present
February 17, 2020 Present Absent Present
March 16. 2020 Absent Present Present
April 20, 2020 Virtual Virtual Virtual
May 18, 2020 Virtual Virtual Virtual
June 15, 2020 Present Present Present
July 20, 2020 Present Absent Present
August 17, 2020 Present Present Present
September 21, 2020 Absent Present Present
October 19, 2020 Present Present Present
November 16. 2020 Present Present Present
December 7, 2020 Virtual Virtual Virtual

Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance 2019

Meeting Date John Cox Judith Algeo Edward Thompson Jr
January 7, 2019 Present Present Present
January 21, 2019 Present Present Present
February 18, 2019 Present Present Present
March 18, 2019 Absent Present Present
April 15, 2019 Present Present Present
May 20, 2019 Present Present Present
June 17, 2019 Present Present Present
July 15, 2019 Absent Present Present
August 19, 2019 Present Present Present
September 16, 2019 Present Present Present
October 21, 2019 Present Present Present
November 18, 2019 Present Present Present
December 2, 2019 Present Present Present

Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance 2018

Meeting Date John Cox Judith Algeo Edward Thompson Jr
January 2, 2018 Present Present Present
January 15, 2018 Present Present Present
February 19, 2018 Present Present Present
March 19, 2018 Present Present Present
April 16, 2018 Present Present Present
May 21, 2018 Present Present Present
June 18, 2018 Present Present Present
July 16, 2018 Absent Present Present
August 20, 2018 Present Present Absent
September 17, 2018 Present Absent Present
October 15, 2018 Absent Present Present
November 19, 2018 Present Present Present
December 3, 2018 Present Present Present

Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance 2017

Meeting Date John Cox Judith Algeo Edward Thompson Jr
January 3, 2017 Present Present absent
January 13, 2017 ACT 537 PLAN UPDATE MEETING Present Present Present
January 16, 2017 Present Present Present
February 20, 2017 Present Present Present
March 20, 2017 absent Present Present
April 17, 2017 Present absent Present
May 22, 2017 Present Present Present
June 17, 2017 Present Present Present
July 17, 2017 Absent Present Present
August 21, 2017 Present Present Present
September 18, 2017 Present Present Present
October 16, 2017 Present Present Present
November 20, 2017 Present Present Present
December 18, 2017 Present Present Present

Warwick Township Supervisor Attendance 2016

Meeting Date John Cox Judith Algeo Edward Thompson Jr
January 5, 2016 Present absent Present
January 18, 2016 Present Present Present
February 16, 2016 Present Present Present
March 21, 2016 Present Present Present
April 18, 2016 Present Present Present
May 27, 2016 ACT 537 PLAN UPDATE MEETING Present Present Present
June 20, 2016 Present Present Present
July 11, 2016 Present Present Present
August 22, 2016 Present Present Present
September 19, 2016 Present Present Present
October 17, 2016 Present Present Present
November 21, 2016 Present Present Present
December 5, 2016 Present Present Present